50 Bird Song Ringtones for iPhone
50 Bird Song Ringtones for iPhone
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50 Bird Song Ringtones for your iPhone
Bird Call ringtones are easy to add to your iPhone via iTunes!
Once you download the "Bird Song Ringtones.zip" file, you must unzip it (decompress it into a folder).
You should then drag all of the m4r files inside the "Bird Song Ringtones" folder into iTunes. Then, connect your iphone to the computer and Synchronize (Select Sync on the iPhone icon in iTunes).
You should then be able to select the bird song ringtones in your iPhone. You can select a different ringtone for each contact in your Contacts Lis, or have a global ringtone under the Settings>Sounds menu.
John Feith
Ringtones Included:
Blackbird, Red-winged
Blackbird, Yellow-headed
Cardinal, Northern
Catbird, Grey
Chickadee, Black-capped
Crane, Sandhill
Crow, American
Duck, Mallard
Goldfinch, American
Goose, Canada
Grosbeak, Rose-breasted
Gull, Ring-billed
Hawk, Broad-winged
Hawk, Red-tailed
Jay, Blue
Kingfisher, Belted
Kinglet, Golden-crowned
Kinglet, Rruby-crowned
Loon, Common
Marsh Medley (Bittern, rail, wrens, sparrows)
Meadowlark, Eastern
Meadowlark, Western
Nighthawk, Common
Oriole, Baltimore
Owl, Barred
Pewee, Eastern
Rail, Virginia
Robin, American
Sandpiper, Upland
Snipe, Wilsons
Sparrow, Chipping
Sparrow, Song
Sparrow, Swamp
Sparrow, White-throated
Swan, Trumpeter
Thrush, Hermit
Thush, Wood
Towhee, Eastern
Warbler, Connecticut
Warbler, Mourning
Warbler, Yellow
Woodpecker, Downy
Wren, House
Wren, Sedge
Wren, Winter
50 Bird Song Ringtones for your iPhone
Bird Call ringtones are easy to add to your iPhone via iTunes!
Once you download the "Bird Song Ringtones.zip" file, you must unzip it (decompress it into a folder).
You should then drag all of the m4r