The Enterprise Asset Management System Training course is a little different than many others. These 295 slides in 3 EAM System PowerPoint have a storyline that hopefully will entertain you as this PowerPoint teaches you. The author wanted to make training fun for you to do, and for him to write. So he made the PowerPoint into a story of how Sam (he’s imaginary) learns about the Enterprise Asset Management System.
The content of this Enterprise Asset Management System training course is exactly what you would see if you attended the actual 3-day Enterprise Asset Management System Training Course. Again, this Enterprise Asset Management System Training Course is different from other companies' courses because it is tailored from 30 years of real-life experience as a tradesman, professional engineer, and Maintenance Manager.
Sam’s story follows the content of the EAM System Training Course. The first day introduces people to value stream, Weibull reliability, and other EAM concepts. It also covers defect analysis and measuring risk in some detail. Day 2 dives into the implications while building on the EAM concepts introduced in the first PowerPoint. Details of the equipment life cycle relative to the enterprise management system and change management are covered in two real case studies (PowerTrans and DuPont Chemicals). Day 3 is about putting it all together to result in what the author refers to as a successful 'plant wellness plan' (EAM System). This is followed by a section on how to justify the use of best practices in an Enterprise Asset Management System. Logically, the author ends day 3 with greater detail on change management.
Throughout the course, you will do activities from the accompanying Workbook that provides the opportunity to learn and discuss numerous issues and perspectives to do with a successful enterprise management system.
Have a great time learning how to implement a successful Enterprise Asset Management System.
Synopsis by Seminar Day:
DAY 1 (128 Color PowerPoint slides) Introduction to Enterprise Asset Management System Concepts.
DAY 2 (109 Color PowerPoint slides) The Implications of a Successful EAM System.
DAY 3 (58 Color PowerPoint slides) Putting it all together to result in a Successful Enterprise Asset Management System.
Management Workbooks (32 Pages)
These 3 EAM Training PowerPoints will enable you to:
- Deepen your understanding of the topic
- Adapt the presentation to your own needs
- Show the presentation in your own company
- Communicate the knowledge of the Enterprise Asset Management System to your colleagues in your organization