One Year Food Storage Menu | eBooks | Food and Cooking

One Year Food Storage Menu

One Year Food Storage Menu 1yrfsmenu
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One Year Food Storage Menu

Food Storage Menu Ideas Day by Day, Month by Month

By Genevie Doyle


The purpose of this food storage menu is to give families the "I can do this!" approach to getting their year's worth of food storage.  All of the meals on this menu can be prepared with storable goods available at your local supermarket.  Additionally, for those of you who have a lot of things stored but are not quite sure if it is enough or not or even what to do with it, make yourself a menu as such and it will become clearer.


109 Pages, including a "cover" to print for your booklet so you can bind it for easy reference.

One Year Food Storage Menu Food Storage Menu Ideas Day by Day, Month by Month By Genevie Doyle &nbsp The purpose of this food storage menu is to give families the "I can do this!" approach to getting their year's worth of food storage
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