The Magnetic Healing Handbook | eBooks | Health

The Magnetic Healing Handbook

The Magnetic Healing Handbook 1872132073E
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£ 4.97 GBP
Buy and Download   > Description (Over 18s Only.) Unique, time-tested, and only obtainable from the world renowned BEAMER (B.M.A.I) HANDBOOK £4.97 (Bray Chris) Full detailsof original practical research into magnetic force and how its affects, far, far more powerful than any planetary force, alter individuals and the mass mind 24hrs a day. This was the research which gave rise ot the S.A.s Bio-Magnetic Auric Intensifier which can be used for Astral Projection / Aura Healing / Lucid Dream Body Repair / A S C / Hypnosis / Revitalisation and many, many more practial and occult applications on people and pets B/S Sorcerer's Apprentice Esoteric Store Run by initiate Frater Marabas continuously since 1975 from 6-8 Burley Lodge Road, Leeds, Yorkshire, U.K. Tel 0113 2451309 (+44 113 2451309). (Over 18s Only.) Unique, time-tested, and only obtainable from the world renowned BEAMER (B.M.A.I) HANDBOOK £4.97 (Bray Chris) Full detailsof original practical research into magnetic force and how its affects, far, far more powerful than any p
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