Bird Ringtones in MP3 format (50 birdsongs) for cell phones or media players | Music | Miscellaneous

Bird Ringtones in MP3 format (50 birdsongs) for cell phones or media players

Bird Ringtones in MP3 format (50 birdsongs) for cell phones or media players BIRDTONES1
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$ 9.99 USD
Buy and Download   > Description 50 bird song MP3 ring tones can also be used for learning birdsongs in media players.

The recordings were made by John Feith and are part of a CD and DVD for learning how to identify birds (see Profits from these products benefit bird conservation organizations.

The file you will download ( is a compressed .zip file. You must "unzip" the file to create the 50 MP3 audio files (google "unzip mac" or "unzip pc" if you've never done it or if clicking on the file on your desktop does not create 50 MP3 files)

Please make sure your cell phone accepts MP3 files, as there will be NO REFUNDS

Bird call MP3 files included:
Blackbird, Red-winged.mp3
Blackbird, Yellow-headed.mp3
Cardinal, Northern.mp3
Catbird, Grey.mp3
Chickadee, Black-capped.mp3
Crane, Sandhill.mp3
Crow, American.mp3
Duck, Mallard.mp3
Goldfinch, American.mp3
Goose, Canada.mp3
Grosbeak, Rose-breasted.mp3
Gull, Ring-billed.mp3
Hawk, Broad-winged.mp3
Hawk, Red-tailed.mp3
Jay, Blue.mp3
Kingfisher, Belted.mp3
Kinglet, Golden-crowned.mp3
Kinglet, Rruby-crowned.mp3
Loon, Common.mp3
Marsh Medley.mp3 (Bittern, rail, wrens, sparrows)
Meadowlark, Eastern.mp3
Meadowlark, Western.mp3
Nighthawk, Common.mp3
Oriole, Baltimore.mp3
Owl, Barred.mp3
Pewee, Eastern.mp3
Rail, Virginia.mp3
Robin, American.mp3
Sandpiper, Upland.mp3
Snipe, Wilsons.mp3
Sparrow, Chipping.mp3
Sparrow, Song.mp3
Sparrow, Swamp.mp3
Sparrow, White-throated.mp3
Swan, Trumpeter.mp3
Thrush, Hermit.mp3
Thush, Wood.mp3
Towhee, Eastern.mp3
Warbler, Connecticut.mp3
Warbler, Mourning.mp3
Warbler, Yellow.mp3
Woodpecker, Downy.mp3
Wren, House.mp3
Wren, Sedge.mp3
Wren, Winter.mp3

50 bird song MP3 ring tones can also be used for learning birdsongs in media players. The recordings were made by John Feith and are part of a CD and DVD for learning how to identify birds (see Profits from these products benefit
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5 5 5 1 reviews

50 great ringtones

They are all nice and clear. Other birdwatchers are always surprised to hear unusual birdsongs coming from my jacket pocket!