Jackson (of Exeter) : Thou to whose eyes I bend : Score, part(s) and cover page | Music | Classical

Jackson (of Exeter) : Thou to whose eyes I bend : Score, part(s) and cover page

Jackson (of Exeter) : Thou to whose eyes I bend : Score, part(s) and cover page 148242-12000 Free
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Composer: William Jackson (of Exeter) (1730 - 1803)
Forces: A.T.B.Continuo
Lyrics: Matthew Prior

Invocation from Jackson's Elegies, Op. 3, 1762.

In his frontispiece, Jackson specified performance in the following terms: "I would just observe, that the following pieces will lose their effect, when the parts are doubled. The manner of performance that I would recommend, is by three voices singing moderately soft, and accompanied with any bass instrument that may have the effect of an accompaniment only; for nothing hurts a piece so much, as making a part principal, or even equal with others, when it was intended to be subservient. The equality of strength among the voices should also be observed; if one voice of the three be strong, and the others weak, it is necessary to soften it down, that the balance may not be destroyed; for it should always be remembered, that as no principal part was intended, there must be none produced".

Score, part(s) and cover page: 0.00 euro for a single copy of the score and unlimited copies of the other items

Preview, playback and details of any other parts or offers available for this score, and relevant licensing/copyright details, can be found here.

Composer: William Jackson (of Exeter) (1730 - 1803)Forces: A.T.B.ContinuoLyrics: Matthew PriorInvocation from Jackson's Elegies, Op. 3, 1762. In his frontispiece, Jackson specified performance in the following terms: "I would just observe, that th
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