Patrick : Prepare to die : Score, parts and cover page | Music | Classical

Patrick : Prepare to die : Score, parts and cover page

Patrick : Prepare to die : Score, parts and cover page 101227-12000 Free
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0.00 EUR
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Composer: Nathaniel Patrick (1569 - 1595)
Forces: S/T. Vn.Vn.Vn./Va.Va.Vc.
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

Little is known of Nathaniel Patrick that isn't derived from the title-page of his one printed work (now lost): "Songs of Sundrye Natures, whereof some are Divine, some are madrigalles and the rest psalms and hymns in Latin, by Nathaniel Patrick, sometyme Master of the Children of the Cathedral Church of Worcester and organist of the same" (1597). The small handful of consort songs that survive in manuscript are probably derived from this source.

Score, parts and cover page: 0.00 euro for a single copy of the score and unlimited copies of the other items

Preview, playback and details of any other parts or offers available for this score, and relevant licensing/copyright details, can be found here.

Composer: Nathaniel Patrick (1569 - 1595)Forces: S/T. Vn.Vn.Vn./Va.Va.Vc.Lyrics: Anon, probably the composerLittle is known of Nathaniel Patrick that isn't derived from the title-page of his one printed work (now lost): "Songs of Sundrye Natures, whe
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