Webinar 'The world is divided but you are not' | Movies and Videos | Religion and Spirituality

Webinar 'The world is divided but you are not'

Webinar 'The world is divided but you are not' PLDZ-107
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15.00 EUR
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The World Is Divided But You Are Not 

In these strange times that we are living in, many people are divided in their views about the virus or about the vaccine or about many other issues. No matter what your opinion or position, your true nature as Life itself, never takes any position. How can we navigate these times including all divisions, while all the time knowing that Life is playing a game with itself. 


The World Is Divided But You Are Not In these strange times that we are living in, many people are divided in their views about the virus or about the vaccine or about many other issues. No matter what your opinion or position, your true nature as
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