College/University - Base-Country Review & Country Wire | Software | Internet

College/University - Base-Country Review & Country Wire

College/University - Base-Country Review & Country Wire COLBASE-FTE
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$ 0.24 USD
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The CountryWatch Country Review: Updated annually and in real time as crucial events unfold, these 75-150 page reports for each of the 195 countries in the world systematically cover the geography, the politics, the current economic overview, investment overview, social overview and environmental overview for each country.

· The CountryWatch Country Wire: Updated daily from a compendium of the global new services including Reuters, the country wire sorts 1000-2000 stories per day by country for each country and provides a convenient archive of stories to keep you updated by country on emerging events in real time.

The CountryWatch Country Review: Updated annually and in real time as crucial events unfold, these 75-150 page reports for each of the 195 countries in the world systematically cover the geography, the politics, the current economic overview, investm
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