Atmospheres, Climates and Environments Series
Atmospheres, Climates and Environments Series
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3 Part Lesson
When God gave man dominion over all the earth, it included the authority over the domains consisting of the waters, air and surface of the earth. Although the church has engaged the world in advancing the Kingdom throughout the earth, it has for the most part ignored the principalities, powers and authority structures that occupy the air, which exercises it influence upon what takes place on the earth. These realities create and maintain atmospheres, climates and environments that can frustrate the church in its ability to fulfill its purpose and manifest the will of God in the earth. The born again believer is the only one qualified on earth, having received God's authority (or dominion) over the air, to address the atmosphere. Learn how to clear and create in your life an atmosphere, maintain a climate and cultivate an environment that God original planned for you live and proser in.
3 Part Lesson
When God gave man dominion over all the earth, it included the authority over the domains consisting of the waters, air and surface of the earth. Although the church has engaged the world in advancing the Kingdom throughout the earth,