Selling To Germans Selling To Germans JBS-STG In Stock $ 34.99 USD Buy and Download > Description Germany is Europe's largest market and one of the top economies in the world. That also makes Germany a very competitive market. As in every country and culture the sales process has certain unique properties in Germany. This paper will cover the most important aspects of selling to Germans and how best to meet and exceed German expectations. This white paper will give you the essential knowledge to will help you sell to Germans. The insights here are from my personal experience after living in Germany, doing business in Germany and working with Germans for many years.The Selling to Germans White Paper can save you tens or hundreds of thousands of Euros or Dollars in wasted marketing expenses and even more in lost sales opportunities. Germany is Europe's largest market and one of the top economies in the world. That also makes Germany a very competitive market. As in every country and culture the sales process has certain unique properties in Germany. This paper will cover the mos Direct Link Tags sellinggermansmoneysales Business and Money eBooks