Bach, J.S.: Invention No. 2 in C minor | Music | Classical

Bach, J.S.: Invention No. 2 in C minor

Bach, J.S.: Invention No. 2 in C minor INV-2
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A paradigm shift in the way musical scores are viewed, the charts are public domain scores reformatted in systems that are complete musical phrases (thoughts) which appear to float on the page. The pages are loose leaf (like flash cards) that when printed on 11x17 inch card-stock can stand alone on a piano music rack. The bar lines of the systems are aligned so that the musical material can be compared at a glance for similarities & differences. Open measures (shared between 2 systems) help with the understanding of phrases that are begun on beats other than the downbeat. The systems are practiced by themselves & out of order to serve as jump points or “emergency exits” should memory lapses occur. The start point of each system then becomes internalized as “automatic rote memory” for seamless, instant access.


A paradigm shift in the way musical scores are viewed, the charts are public domain scores reformatted in systems that are complete musical phrases (thoughts) which appear to float on the page. The pages are loose leaf (like flash cards) that when pr
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