October 14, 2015 Whitehall Ledger | Other Files | Everything Else

October 14, 2015 Whitehall Ledger

October 14, 2015 Whitehall Ledger WL-3230
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This October 14, 2015 edition of the Whitehall Ledger tells the story about a recent grant obtained at Whitehall Elementary that is helping fourth and fifth grade students at the school develop fluency with their basic math facts, read who obtained the grant, how it will help and what the plans are for this program. In other news, the recent announcement of reduction in force and possible divestiture of the Golden Sunlight Mine were discussed by Barrick officials. Resource Manager Sam Graham said they have contracted with a company to help employees who lose their jobs with resumes and job hunting. Find out how the mine plans to help those that will soon be without out jobs, and how many employees will be affected by the mines decision locally. The Whitehall/Harrison High School football could not have asked for a better first quarter last Friday night against Three Forks. Find out how our local team faired in this matchup. Whitehall students, staff, and local residents took time last Thursday to give back at the bi-annual Whitehall High School National Honor Society Blood Drive. There is more on this story and more in this week's issue of the Whitehall Ledger!

This October 14, 2015 edition of the Whitehall Ledger tells the story about a recent grant obtained at Whitehall Elementary that is helping fourth and fifth grade students at the school develop fluency with their basic math facts, read who obtained t
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