Getting Our Movement Into the Future of Innovating Technologies / Queen Taese Liberated Minds Expo Education Conference | Audio Books | Podcasts

Getting Our Movement Into the Future of Innovating Technologies / Queen Taese Liberated Minds Expo Education Conference

Getting Our Movement Into the Future of Innovating Technologies / Queen Taese Liberated Minds Expo Education Conference LIBMP3-3375
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Getting Our Movement Into the Future of Innovating Technologies / Queen Taese Liberated Minds Expo Education Conference - In the first hour, I relate recently meeting one of the most impressive innovation technology entrepreneurs of our era. We discuss how the role of disruptive technologies has completely changed the face of business and economics. Our aim is to incorporate some of these concepts into our African Centered empowerment movement and our mastery of leadership for the Africa Rising future. Next, our guest is organizing a significant conference and expo which propels culturally-centered home schooling and education forward. Our youth are brilliant, creative and need to be properly prepared for the leadership of a globally empowered African empire. To do so, the home schooling networks are getting more and more organized. Let's all rise to come forward and support this tremendous and timely movement. (LIBMP3-3375)

Getting Our Movement Into the Future of Innovating Technologies / Queen Taese Liberated Minds Expo Education Conference - In the first hour, I relate recently meeting one of the most impressive innovation technology entrepreneurs of our era. We discu
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