Futures Truth Mag:  Issue #1/2008 | eBooks | Business and Money

Futures Truth Mag: Issue #1/2008

Futures Truth Mag: Issue #1/2008 PLDZ-127
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Futures Truth Magazine - Issue #1-2008

George's Corner: Putting the Thermostat System Into Our Visual Basic For Excel Testing Platform 
by George Pruitt
 - In this bonus expansion of the Excel testing platform series, George walks through programming a complete system, Thermostat - a short term swing and trend following system, first published in Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation.

You Say You're a Trader?  Prepare to Prove it to the IRS by Jim Crimmins - The first and perhaps biggest hurdle that every new trader faces come tax time is to convince the Internal Revenue Service that you are, in fact, a professional trader and not merely an overactive investor.  Jim Crimmins, the founder and President of Traders Accounting, gives some insight on things to watch out for when declaring this trading status. 

Best Buys for 2008 by Al Thomas - Everyone seems to want to put his neck on the block to predict what stocks to buy for the coming year.  This year, Al Thomas takes a chance and makes his predictions.  2008 may not be the year to hide your money in your mattress!


Before the Close - Daytrading Secrets by Lundy Hill - Getting in a trade is easy, it's the getting out that's tough.  In Daytrading Secrets, Lundy S. Hill looks at the Three Drives To a Top or Bottom and shows why the old adage that "things happen in threes" is true of trading also.

Check out the Master Performance Table to see how your favorite system has performed thus far this year.

Futures Truth Magazine - Issue #1-2008George's Corner: Putting the Thermostat System Into Our Visual Basic For Excel Testing Platform by George Pruitt - In this bonus expansion of the Excel testing platform series, George walks through programming a
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