zoom zoom zoom Marketing Plan Template Marketing Plan Template KLA-MAR01 In Stock $ 9.99 USD Buy and Download > Description This Marketing Plan Template includes a 40 page Word template and 10 Excel spreadsheets. Use this template to summarize the Who, What, Where, When, and How questions of marketing and sales activities for the planning year.Use this Marketing Plan Template to: * Analyze the competitive environment you need to examine in order to position your product or service in the marketplace * Develop and refine your product so that it meet customers' needs * Ensure the packaging and pricing matches customers' expectations and spending habits * Define the promotion, advertising and PR you’ll adopt to get your message to target customers * Identify each specific marketing event or action item that will increase sales * Deliver a cohesive plan that will become your blueprint to marketing successTable of Contents toc1 Executive Summary1.1 Company Description1.2 Strategic Focus1.3 Goals1.4 Current Situation1.5 Competitive Advantage2 Situation Analysis2.1 Market Research2.1.1 Research Findings2.1.2 Growth Projections2.2 Competitor Analysis2.2.1 Competitor #12.2.2 Competitor #22.2.3 Competitor #32.2.4 Competitor Matrix2.3 Customer Analysis2.4 Environment Analysis2.5 Industry Analysis2.6 Market Definition and Segmentation2.7 Market Analysis2.8 Target Market2.9 Target Market Strategies2.10 SWOT Analysis2.10.1 Identifying Internal Strengths And Weaknesses2.10.2 Identifying Opportunities and Threats3 Products and Services3.1 Description of Products/Services3.2 Comparison3.3 Products/Service Features3.4 Other Considerations4 Market Strategy4.1 Image4.2 Positioning4.3 Promotion Strategy4.4 Price Strategy4.5 Price Comparison4.6 Customer Service4.6.1 Retaining Customers4.6.2 Customer Complaint Handling5 Sales Forecast5.1 Sales Forecast By Product5.2 Sales Forecast By Type5.3 Sales Forecast By Market5.4 Sales Forecast By Location6 Budget Determination6.1 Budget By Type6.2 Budget By Month6.3 Budget by Team Members7 Marketing Organizations7.1 Organization Chart7.2 Roles & Responsibilities8 Action Plan and Implementation8.1 Schedule8.2 Action Items8.3 Implications for staff involvement9 Communication Plan9.1 Sales Material9.2 External Communications9.3 Distribution Groups10 Tracking, Evaluation & Control10.1 Tracking10.2 Evaluation10.3 Control This Marketing Plan Template includes a 40 page Word template and 10 Excel spreadsheets. Use this template to summarize the Who, What, Where, When, and How questions of marketing and sales activities for the planning year. Use this Marketing Pl Direct Link https://store.payloadz.com/go/?id=196489 https://store.payloadz.com/details/196489-software-business-marketing-plan-template.html Tags marketing planmarketingsalesproposalgrant Business Software