PP 2015 Revised e-book & Handbook | eBooks | Non-Fiction

PP 2015 Revised e-book & Handbook

PP 2015 Revised e-book & Handbook PLDZ-10
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New and revised: Purposeful Planning – E-Book

This issue still contains all of our original material, but with the help and encouragement from our faithful readers and people who have put these methods into practice in their own families we have added even more suggestions and ideas. 

We have also added more thought provoking questions to help you to relate well to each other and your children.
The goal is still the same: to discover the Lord's plan for your family.

 Does having your spouse’s undivided attention appeal to you? Planning weekends give you time to dream, to talk together about what you wish, or want, at a time when the other person is really listening.

Do you need a plan to keep your family moving in the direction the Lord is leading you? Perhaps you don’t know where the Lord is leading you. Phyllis takes you step-by-step through the process of planning a time together for your family to help determine the path the Lord is choosing for each area of your life. Her family has followed this format for over 12 years and has found that it provides the compass they’ve needed to plan and stay on course.

This time-tested method of planning will give your family new direction for the future. Start today! Choose the dates for your planning weekend, read her book which has the entire “how to” included, and go for it 

Purposeful Planning Handbook

If you liked Purposeful Planning you will LOVE the Purposeful Planning handbook. Phyllis has made all the printable forms you will need to just pick-up and go on your planning weekend. The forms include questions, Scripture, and quotes to get you and your husband talking about how and where the Lord wants to lead your family.


The format follows the topics in her book and you will be able to easily follow along as you discuss each item.


You won’t want to start your planning weekend without it!





New and revised: Purposeful Planning – E-Book This issue still contains all of our original material, but with the help and encouragement from our faithful readers and people who have put these methods into practice in their own families we ha
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