[YES] Can edit, take apart, add to, or use/sell as is
[YES] Can be bundled with other products and/or content
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be used to create audio/video products
[YES] Can give them to affiliates to publish to promote your products/services
[YES] Can be used for opt-in bonuses (newsletter signups, etc.)
[YES] Can claim full ownership
[YES] Can publish as web content (except on free article directories)
[YES] Can be added to your own free membership site for job seekers
[MAYBE] Can be added to paid membership sites (if approved by Résumé Writers’ Digest-- contact Bridget for approval)
[NO] Can submit to free article directories
[NO] Can sell on the Kindle platform (Amazon.com)
[NO] Can sell resell or master resell rights (You can use these with your clients, but you can't pass the materials on to other resume writers for their use, or sell the content to other resume writers for use with their clients.)