1972 World Karate-do Championship - France -DOWNLOAD | Movies and Videos | Sports

1972 World Karate-do Championship - France -DOWNLOAD

1972 World Karate-do Championship - France -DOWNLOAD PLDZ-150
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1972 World Karate Do Championship - France.

Team Members: Frank Smith (Capt.), John Gehlsen, Tony Tullerners, George Byrd, Jerry Morrone, James Yabe, James Field and David Vaughn. 

53 minutes

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1972 World Karate Do Championship - France. EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE!!!! Team Members: Frank Smith (Capt.), John Gehlsen, Tony Tullerners, George Byrd, Jerry Morrone, James Yabe, James Field and David Vaughn. 53 minutes Please allow 20 to
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