Shoe Fit Program: Part 2 Medical: Shoe Fit Functional Testing | Movies and Videos | Educational

Shoe Fit Program: Part 2 Medical: Shoe Fit Functional Testing

Shoe Fit Program: Part 2 Medical: Shoe Fit Functional Testing SF.MED.2
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Part 2: Shoe Fit Functional Testing:


This segment was filmed during a live presentation by Drs. Allen and Waerlop at the International Running Retail Association Conference in December 2011.


It describes in detail, the 9 functional tests that are essential to fit. The concept of foot type, how it’s determined and its impact on fit is discussed first.  Calcaneal motion, fore foot flexibility,  foot volume, arch height differential, ankle dorsiflexion (and rocker), hallux dorsiflexion, knee position, and Brannock measurement are then each explained along with how they integrate into the fit process.


(approximately 1 hour 15 minutes)

Part 2: Shoe Fit Functional Testing: This segment was filmed during a live presentation by Drs. Allen and Waerlop at the International Running Retail Association Conference in December 2011. It describes in detail, the 9 function
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